Sunday 9 October 2011

Apple Company after Steve Jobs........

Current CEO has big shoes to fill.Cook became CEO on Aug 24 after Jobs switched to the role of chairman. Cook must now take up the mantle of charting Apple's creative vision. Cook led the company when Jobs was on three medical leaves.Though he is a counter point to Jobs more emotional personality, the men are two sides of same coin.Despite their style are different. There is no way to replace Jobs.Cook is typically found working long hours at company's headquarters or travelling around the world to meet suppliers & manufacturers. Meanwhile, investors may be more likely to pressure Cook to use some of Apple's cash for a dividend & stock buyback. To maintain its streak of innovations, Cook will have to lean on corps of executives.Jonathan have overseas a staff of product designers.that is considered best in the world.Scott Forstall leads development  of Apple mobile software. Bob Mansfield runs hardware engineering, & Peter is chief financial officer. Cook has to work hard to match the steps of great STEVE JOBS !!!!!!!!!

 Best of Luck Apple Company for the future projects !!!!!!!!!!!!

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