Saturday 24 August 2013

The First day in SIBM Bangalore

“The First Day” these words have lot of meaning in our life. This gives us motivation, a new chance & a new determination to succeed in life. The First Day in whichever field or occasion can be a beginning of new life.
 After I got appointment letter from SIBM college, I was indeed excited, little bit nervous as it would be first time I would stay in hostel but more than my nervousness I was determined to give my 100% to whatever I do  be it studies, be extra-curricular  activities or anything else. My first day in the Bangalore City was fascinating experience as I travelled to places like Forum Mall, MG Road, & White Field etc. and marvelled the beauty of the city.   
 I still remember my first at SIBM Bangalore College. I instantaneously fell in love of the campus of SIBM Bangalore. My seniors & teachers helped me in locating the places in the campus. The first lecture in SIBM was the guest lecture.  I loved the lecture & never got bored of it as teaching method was new. It was a great experience for me as there was so much to learn from it.
How can I forget my friends? Everyone introduced to each other & in the formal way & all of us was eager to know about each other. The OBL event organised by our college was altogether a different experience. Each one of us was given a task which was to be done in groups. It was a beautiful experience as each one of us interacted with each other & it helped us to know better of one other.

I would like to end by sayings “Take a limitation and turn it into an opportunity. Take an opportunity and turn it into an adventure by dreaming BIG! ”

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